Monday, August 31, 2015

August 31, 2015
Dear families,

1. August home reading is now due. Please be sure to sign or initial your child's paper or there
     won't be credit given.
2. Book orders are due on Wednesday if you are planning on ordering.
3. NO SCHOOL on Monday, September 7th. It is Labor Day.
4. We have school helpers duty this week. Our hall monitors are: Aurora, Tristan, Lydia and Colter.
     Lunchroom workers are: Jade, Max, Peyton, Rae, John, Tucker, and Paizlee. Their lunch is free.
     Flag workers are: Parker, Kloie, and Koden.
     Substitutes are: McKay and Brianna (who already helped out today because of absences.)
     Thanks to these kids.
Science: Utah land zones
Math: Chapter 1,,,keep that homework coming in. I hope that by sending hoe the day's lesson,
     that helps you to see what we have been doing that day. Practice those multiplication facts!
Reading: personal narratives and descriptive language
Writing: summer memories and self-editing instruction
Spanish: "hola"..."Como estas?"..."buenos dias"..."gracias"
As always, I will copy this over to my blog for future reference.
Have a great week.
Carolyn Olenslager

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