Tuesday, March 29, 2016

3rd quarter progress report

Tomorrow the kids will be bringing home their 3rd quarter progress reports. It is on white paper with the percentage highlighted in yellow. I'll make sure they leave school with it. If you want a more detailed report, just go onto your parent portal and check for third quarter individual scores.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Parent note for March 22

A few things you need to know:
• Tomorrow is chapter 11 math test. All homework that needs to be turned in for chapter 11 is due by tomorrow.
• Friday is the end of third quarter. All late assignments are due on that day. If you are unsure of your child's status, get onto your parent portal and look. You can see anything that is not handed in. The kids know where the extra papers are if they need makeup pages.
• Spring pictures are on Thursday. If you want them, send in your money and packet that day.
• School will be regular on Friday and Monday because we've already had our spring break. (Next year spring break will be back to Easter weekend. Yeah!!!!)
I think that is all for now.